The base material for our linings are DURAPLATES, two-layer wear plates, consisting of a load-bearing, tough base material and a very hard wear layer on top. The base material is usually S235 or S355, heat-resistant steel in hot areas and V2A in corrosive environments. We usually process sheet thicknesses of 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15 and 20 mm. The size of the sheets is usually 1250 x 2500 mm.
The hard layer is a MIG/MAG welded layer, single layer between 3 and 5 mm thick, double layer up to 15 mm thick.
For this purpose, we use several portal welding systems in our partner workshops on which the sheets are welded. The base plate is clamped and the hard layer is applied with oscillating welding head movements. The sheets are now straightened and the individual sheet metal blanks are cut out on a CNC plasma cutting device.
After the parts have been deburred and straightened again (heat distortion), they are rolled up and inserts for screws and threads as well as additional strips are welded on. Particularly exposed wear areas are now hard faced by hand, the parts are checked, painted and packaged. The linings are ready for installation.